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Brain injury rehabilitation is an ongoing process that continues long after your injury; Jodi House’s video classes enable you to continue your recovery from anywhere, at any time. Curriculum is designed to target the cognitive, physical, and psychological areas of functioning that are often affected by brain injuries and to capitalize on the neuroplasticity that makes continuous improvement possible.

Cognitive Classes

Brain injuries of all different severity levels can affect cognition. The following video classes have been designed to help you restore cognitive function across multiple domains and to encourage neuroplasticity.

Physical Classes

From chronic pain and fatigue to loss of fine motor control and body imbalances, a brain injury can cause a myriad of physical challenges. These classes are meant to provide you with ways you can continue your physical recovery from home.

Mental Wellness & Brain Injury Education Classes

After a brain injury, feelings of stress, anxiety, depression and insecurity can increase. These mental wellness classes are designed to help you decrease negative thoughts, prioritize self-care, manage stress, and improve your quality of life. Additionally, the featured brain injury education classes aim to shed a light on common challenges and topics related to life with a brain injury.

Independent Living Classes

Brain injuries can drastically impact one's level of independence and ability to complete activities of daily living. Whether you're looking to regain your independence or trying to manage your day-to-day life, these classes will help you achieve your goals, stay organized, and practice crucial independent living skills.